Just trying to make sense of this human life and let my stories breath outside of my body.

Just trying to make sense of this human life and let my stories breath outside of my body.
My hope is to offer a nonjudgemental and loving space for humans to move inward, find peace, and live free. Sometimes it’s a yoga class that shifts us inward, or a retreat, other times it’s simply a poem that touches the heart. I aim to offer practices and techniques that have shifted my life and given me more freedom and ease in body, mind, and heart. I also like to share reflections of my experiences as I learn and grow with you. I vow to hold space for you and me with vulnerability, honesty, and compassion.
This is a space where I dig through the daily happenings of life in search of deep connection to the wisdom of my heart. Writing is also the way I let the stories of trauma, pain, and unworthiness stuck in my body breathe. I vulnerably share my wounds, scars, and grief using words to guide me out of the dark to the epiphanys, “ah-ha” moments, Grace and God.
My classes are insightful, informative, and relaxing. I like to weave in the philosophical roots of the practice while offering clear anatomical cues to make sure people feel safe in their bodies. Expect a focus on breath and internal awareness, and droplets of wisdom from the practice. Prepare to leave class feeling present, embodied, whole, and loved.
The more I connect with my heart the more I want to connect with yours. I love writing, and I love making free videos, but what I love more is working with people in person. Join me for my next retreat!
Heart Being
I am a simple human awakening, forgetting, and remembering my divinity over and over again.
— Confucius
Heart Warrior
As a heart warrior I aim not just to set my own heart afire, but to ignite the light within everyone I meet. But don't take my word for it ! Here are some testimonials of people who have worked with me.