small self:
When will I transform this to wisdom?
When will the alchemy happen?
When will the healing be done?
Higher self:
My dear sweet me,
Your mind is stuck in the confines of time.
Do you not know?
you transformed.
you created sacred alchemy.
you healed.
You’re doing it right now.
and you will do it again
and again
and again.
Because you chose to.
Because the soul wants to.
When infinity and forever are no more
Then, we can be done.
But you and I both know-
That will never happen.
Existence is eternal.
You can rest, though.
Yes, my love, you can always rest.
Set down your questions.
Drop into the Love that we are.
Let me hold you.
Be cradled by the Truth;
Your learning is heroic.
Your healing is beautiful.
Your creations are medicine.
Your transformation is awe-inspiring.
Your Life is celebrated in the stars.
Your every breath is God whispering,
I love you.
Rest here, love.
Rest here.
Just trying to make sense of this human life and let my stories breath outside of my body.